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  • Hamlet = Hamlet, prince of Denmark
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
    Traducător: Lăzărescu, Dan Amedeu
    Tehnoredactor: Gârlan, Victoria
    Corector: Bițu, Elena
    Corector: Doman, Sînziana
    Responsabilitate: William Shakespeare
    Responsabilitate secundară: Traducere din limba engleză, introducere și note: Dan Amedeu Lăzărescu
    Titlu Paralel: Hamlet, prince of Denmark
    Editura: Pandora M
    Locul publicării: București
    Anul Ediției: 2009
    ISBN: 978-973-88900-2-2
    Ediţie: Ed. a 3-a, adăugită și revizuită.
    Descriere: 375 p. : paperback; 10,5x18 cm.
    Note: Titlul original în limba engleză: Hamlet, prince of Denmark
    Limba: Engleză
    Serie: Colecția bilingvă
    Subiect: literatură britanică - teatru
    Subiect: teatru
    Subiect: carte bilingvă: engleză și română
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle, Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet's father, King Hamlet. Claudius had murdered his own brother and seized the throne, also marrying his deceased brother's widow. Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, and is ranked among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature, with a story capable of "seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others". The play likely was one of Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime, and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879.

    The story of Shakespeare's Hamlet was derived from the legend of Amleth, preserved by 13th-century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum, as subsequently retold by 16th-century scholar François de Belleforest. Shakespeare may also have drawn on an earlier (hypothetical) Elizabethan play known today as the Ur-Hamlet, though some scholars believe he himself wrote the Ur-Hamlet, later revising it to create the version of Hamlet we now have. He almost certainly wrote his version of the title role for his fellow actor, Richard Burbage, the leading tragedian of Shakespeare's time. In the 400 years since its inception, the role has been performed by numerous highly acclaimed actors in each successive century.
    Cota topografică: Literatură universală/S52
    Clasificare: 821.111(410)-2=135.1
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