Biblioteca Municipală Codlea
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  • Fair warning
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Sellers, Catherine
    Responsabilitate: Catherine Sellers
    Editura: Meteor Publishing Corporation
    Locul publicării: Bensalem
    Anul Ediției: 1993
    ISBN: 1-56597-054-3
    Descriere: 221 p. : paperback; 10,5x17 cm.
    Limba: Engleză
    Serie: Kismet Romance
    Subiect: literatură engleză (S.U.A.) - roman de dragoste
    Subiect: roman de dragoste
    Subiect: carte în limba engleză
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Kendall Jamison was surprised when Sheriff Jacob Sentell offered her the job. Not every man would hire an ex-convict to work as a live-in housekeeper and nanny for his five motherless children. Jake had serious reservations about Kendall's guilt. His lawman's gut instinct told him she was protecting someone - but who and why? In the Sentell home, Kendall found she was falling in love with Jake. But in a small town like Rosemont, Texas, did their love have a prayer?
    Cota topografică: Limba engleză/S43
    Clasificare: 821.111(73)-31=111
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